

VZOmobile 1.2 (new release)
Hello. SAMSUNG Omnia I900 work with VZOMobile 1.1.
VZOmobile 1.2 (new release)
Hello, I'm using a Samsung I900 Omnia. Since the version 1.2 I don't see anything on the screen during a call (black screen)…
VZOmobile 1.2 (new release)
Однако, прогресс и существенный! Моё HTC Touch Cruise уже звонить может, это плюс по сравнению с бетой. А вот поворот на 90 гр…
VZOmobile 1.2 (new release)
Version 1.2, like the previous one, doesn't select the front camera on my i-mate Ultimate 9502, loaded with i-mate's official …
VZOmobile 1.2 (new release)
Please get it to work on the Samsung i900. I can't wait, it's going to change the way i use my phone, I'm never going to make …


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