
06-06-2008 တြင္ တင္ထားသည္။ urix
Tags:canon d40, city, infrared, ir, moscow, msu, nature, photo, vdnkh

Moscow (VDNKh, MSU). (part 1) Сanon 40D unmodified, Canon EF 17-40 F4L lens, B+W 093 IR filter. All IR frames: 15-30 sec, f/4, ISO800-1600. Only Blue and Green channels from RAW was used for this false color images. Blue channel as Gray and Green for some color. Sorry, but this images has embedded Adobe RGB 1998 color profile, and can be correctly viewed only in Safary web browser or some external image viewers.


on 01-01-0001 ေျပာသည္။
yeyinthu on 09-06-2008 ေျပာသည္။


what a wonderful world...
urix on 09-06-2008 ေျပာသည္။
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tane4ka on 07-06-2008 ေျပာသည္။
Andre/Андрей/เอ็นดี้ on 07-06-2008 ေျပာသည္။
вторая очень понравилась

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