05-09-2009 တြင္ တင္ထားသည္။ planetstars
စိတ္အေျခအေန: Complicated. ဂီတ: Soft pops..

Life is like a long journey. Everyone is driving on their own speed on the alphabet roads.

Some people are lucky enough to drive on an I road, straight and easy, but they missed out a lot of challanges and fun on their trip.

Some people might need to go takes longer, but it will eventually take them to somewhere.

some people might drive on a "A" road, who meet a dead-end and being forced to take the other route. It might take them to a better place or they will end up where they have started.

Some people might drive on a tough "M" or "W" road climbing up and down the hills, passing through the wild jungles, sailing against the wind before they get to the end, but they will earn a lot of experiance that they can pass on to their next generation.

However, almost all of of us will meet many Y intersections or run into the middle of X on their way, then, you'll have to decide which way to go with or without a guide.

If you choose the right way, you'll get some surprises, excitements, and rewords on your way,

Sometime you thought you took the perfect route for yourself, but when you realize it was not, then, you will have to back up or take a detour or a "U" turn to get back to the right track.

Unfortunately, if you accidentally get on to a one way street, you have no choice, but to go forward and hope for better.

I think the worst is you end up driving on an "O" road, circling around and get to no where.

Life is like gambling....Everyone have to bet all the time.....Everyone is hoping to win the jackpot, but, what is the possibility of winning a jackpot?

*******Good Luck to everyone on this earth, hoping everyone make a smart choice everytime you have to bet.********







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