Sony puts GPS (and maps) in camcorders!

10-01-2009 တြင္ တင္ထားသည္။ markra

Yes, you heard it right. Sony just released a bunch of new camcorders (HDR-XR520V, HDR-XR500V and HDR-XR200V) and integrated a GPS receiver in them. Not only that but also the maps to go with it. We have so many questions!!!!

Here is what the press release says about the GPS feature:

Making it easy to retrace your steps by shooting location, the HDR-XR520V, HDR-XR500V and HDR-XR200V camcorders feature a built-in GPS antenna and NAVTEQ® digital maps for video and photo geo-tagging. Geo-tagged content is marked by a push pin at each shot location and can be played back on the camcorder map index display or enjoyed on the PC using the included Picture Motion Browser software. The feature also highlights your current map location and automatically adjusts the camcorder clock to the proper time zone.

The GPS receiver and maps loaded Sony camcorders will start to ship in March and cost $1500, $1300, $1000 respectively for HDR-XR520V, HDR-XR500V, HDR-XR200V




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