I can no longer hold on.............

Išsiųsta 2010-06-30 iki planetstars
Nuotaika: Let me die.

Anything "too much" is not good.

Even a little bit is not good when people don't care for it.

Just like me.....forcing me to eat make me throw up.

Forcing someone to accept your love that he doesn't care about, he'll get annoyed and you'll become shameful/hateful person.

Want to keep the good memories/ sweet memories? let go ! Let go even you will have to live in pain the rest of your life, but at least you will have the sweet memories to carry over to your next life..... What is your choice?

I don't have a choice as I can't do either way....I just want to get vanished......Let me get vanished!   :-( :-( :-(






ant 0001-01-01 sako:

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← Tired.............   Grįžti į dienoraštį   Aaaarrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… →
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