I meant it..........

Išsiųsta 2010-06-09 iki planetstars
Nuotaika: Complicated or Empty. Muzika: My own heart.

YOU (Rascal Flatts)


Every road that I've been down
The only truth that I have found
There's only one thing I can't live without You

Every time I get lost in a temperamental mood
You still stay cool
Just when I think that this life's about to drive me insane
You take the reins
Every time I feel I'm drifting off course
You're my compass, you're my one true north

No Matter What It Takes (Peter Heppner)


I wish that I could prove
What I feel for you
Something that you can't deny
Anything you can rely upon
Each time you're in the mood for any doubts
But there's no evidence for what I hold inside my heart

You need to understand this
No matter what it takes

I won't be afraid
I'll stand with you
And I will understand you

I'll bend but won`t break
There'll be no fear
And I will understand you

No matter what it takes
No matter what you say
And even if it breaks my heart

No Matter What (Jeremy Camp)


I know that every time
I find the one thing that holds me back inside
I want to tear apart
And bring my selfish pleasures at your feet
Every part of me is an offering,
I will set forth and lay it down at your throne

Because I live for you alone
No matter what it takes I will offer,
Everything I am I give to you
Even unto death I will follow,
No matter what the price I will give to you now

I won't throw this time I have aside,
Your the very prize I have in sight,
You've placed this purpose down in me,
And it burns so deep
Let this life I lead bring you all the glory,
I'm entrusted with a gift that I can't hide
Revive my heart, revive my mind

To live is to really die
I will keep this steady pace,
Until that final day

Whenever Whereever (Shaikira)


Whenever, Wherever
We're meant to be together
I'll be there and you'll be near
And that's the deal my dear
They're over, you're under
You'll never have to wonder
We can always play by ear
But that's the deal my dear



ant 0001-01-01 sako:

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← Just to see YOU smile........   Grįžti į dienoraštį   SoooComplicated! →
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