What's new in Conferendo 6.4

Išsiųsta 2013-05-16 iki conferendo

    Rebranding of VZOChat into Conferendo also included the following improvements:
  • Application layout redesigned in Windows 8 style;
  • Now compatible with Windows 7 and Windows 8;
  • Video resolution in conferences increased to 640x480 px.;
  • Ability to switch audio/video devices on the fly during a conference;
  • Full-screen mode now has a button to switch camera on/off;
  • Improved echo cancellation in group conferences;
  • Improved audio/video quality in all types of conferences;
  • Icons for expressing opinion in multipoint conferences;
  • Increased video recording resolution and quality;
  • Chat window does not close in case of losing server connection;
  • Authorization and registration via social networks;
  • Dynamic drop-down list of users in the dial line;
  • Social plugin in the left side of the main window of the application;
  • Updated tariff plans: free symmetric conferencing for 3 endpoints and free broadcasting for 20 people;
  • Updated friend search form;
  • Hot keys for switching audio/video devices on and off;
  • Option to mirror self-view image;
  • Member signatures in group conferences;
  • Double-click for full-screen mode.


ant 0001-01-01 sako:
bjgwocdo ant 2015-01-24 sako:

no color ?مرحبا بكم

Lovebaby Full ant 2014-11-12 sako:


esamnas ant 2014-11-07 sako:


al_may ant 2014-04-04 sako:

esta aplicacion esta muy buena tip

marceln ant 2013-10-08 sako:

no color ?

daegyi7312 ant 2013-10-02 sako:


develdevel ant 2013-07-09 sako:
> Вопрос: бесплатное использование только 14 дней ? Если так - то мне с вами не по пути. давай со мной!
nadiimkariim1 ant 2013-07-01 sako:
Can any one tell me how can see my address book on conferendo i cant my all contacts on my address book??
SMirnov ant 2013-06-25 sako:

Вопрос: бесплатное использование только 14 дней ? Если так - то мне с вами не по пути.

Все бесплатное бессрочно, ссылка с сайта


shameemalam ant 2013-06-15 sako:

please add option for HD support 1280x720 and 1920x1080

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