Twinkle twinkle little stars, will you brighten my spirit?


Über mich: Looking at the stars from my hometown is much closer than where I am now.:-( I used to feel like I can almost touch the stars and I love it. :-)


The Arms of the one who loves you
Hello dear, How are you doing..Pleasure to meet you here..Am Adrian Salazar..Am US Army presently Assign here in Asia country …
My diamond
nitaHello dearYour Age, race and marital status are not factors in which I write to you. i am a very young lady. You sound as …
hello my dear,My name is Miss Vivian,my contact address is( well i came contact with yourprofile toda…
Trying to learn
HiI'm Faith appiah but my friends calledme faith loveso you can call me by that if you wish.anyway i came across your profile …
learning to understand, learning to trust, learning to love.....................

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