ျဖစ္ေလရာ ဘဝမွာ ျဖစ္ခ်င္တဲ့ သူနဲ႕ ျဖစ္ခ်င္တိုင္း ျဖစ္ရပါလို၏


Über mich: Whenever two men love a woman at the same time,there is always the one who has to cry. I,in my life,have never thought of myself that one would be me.Unfortunately,........... Girl ! You can play with anything you like but you cannot play with someone's heart.You will be my painful memory for the rest of my life.You will understand how I feel only when you have lost someone you love and you happen to know how much you love him but I wish that day will never come to you. Wish you all the best and happiness. And this is goodbye.

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