I' m alone but I'm not lonley



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ိိDANCING WITH THE PEACE............by...makyarnyo
TO ......seagull17 TO  LET U KNOW..... U'RE  THOUGHT OF WITH PEACE AND LOVE TODAY. ခ်စ္ေသာမ်က္စိၿဖင့္ ထာ၀ရ…
အလင္္းရွင္သိဳ့......အၿပစ္မ်ာနဲ့ အတဴ ခ်စ္ၿမတ္နိဳးၿခင္း.......မ…
TO......seagull17 (ခ်စ္သမိးေလး....မြန္ေတြး) As a daughter...u 're  ..a..wonderful  friend...... As  a f…
ိိDANCING WITH THE PEACE............by...makyarnyo
very good blog. your blog and your english is good.we must do good and well things for our mother   and  our mo…
အလင္္းရွင္သိဳ့......အၿပစ္မ်ာနဲ့ အတဴ ခ်စ္ၿမတ္နိဳးၿခင္း.......မ…
အန္တီလို.ပဲေခၚေတာ.မယ္ေနာ္... အန္တီကသမီးေမေမအသက္ေလာက္ပဲရွိေလာက္မယ္  အန္တီဒီစာကိုေရးေနခ်ိန္မွာအန္တီေျကကြဲလြမ္းဆြတ္မွူေတြန…

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